Welcome To Bee Blessed.

Bee Blessed is a website created by me, 

Breouna Anderson offering mental,physical and emotional wellness restoration. I am a licensed wellness minister,certified transformation life coach, conflict mediator, peace builder and mental health philanthropist.

This process will help you regain control of your feelings,thoughts,reactions and emotions.

Bee Blessed offers private and group sessions. additionally, wellness discussions are offered every Wednesday via Instagram @beeblessed_wellness. and Facebook Beeblessed.net.

"Be well, Be safe, Be Blessed"

Word Of the Week Is: (Hope)

Hope: A feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.

 Go into this week with the felling that what is wanted can be had or the events will turn out for the best. 


"Conflict Mediator"

"Wellness License"

"Dialogue Specialist"

"Peace Builder"


Mental health and Psychosocial support identifies factors that promote intervention in a crisis or conflict. 

Disclaimer: This process is not meant to replace any clinical assessments. The process is meant to